I found the Kata: Super FizzBuzz challenge really fun and engaging. Although there was a moment where it became challenging to me and that was figuring out how to get the multiples of an integer. This was exciting as there was mathematics involved. I made use of PSEUDOCODE; writing instructions to guide me prior to writing the code to keep me on track. I found this very handy at times when I get lost or carried away. This technique was enough for me to get over the obstacle. I knew that I had to use the “%” remainder operator but I had factors in mind instead of multiples. The Pseudocode helped me in this as I constantly looked back at the instructions and it was then when it clicked to me that if I check if the number divided by 15 is equals to 0, that would be enough to confirm that it’s a multiples of 15. This particular problem made me feel excited and engaged throughout. Despite the roadblock, I was very keen to get over my confusion and not let it get the best of me since I knew I was very capable of solving the problem. My takeaway from this is to always refer back and understand what is being asked, especially when you get blocked because it may simply just be a small misconception in the end.
I found the Kata: Built-in Method an extremely difficult roadblock to get around from since it mainly consisted of anonymous arrow functions. This was something we had to learn ourselves as it wasn’t covered as a lesson in the course, so far. I first tried GOOGLING basics of turning simple functions to arrow functions which was simple enough. Where it got tricky was learning how to turn an anonymous function into an anonymous arrow function. I then proceeded to ASKING MY COACH FOR HELP to better understand how to apply this to the problem at hand. I found this very helpful and I was very appreciative of the help I was given. However, I wanted to TRY THIS OUT for myself in repetition so I can hone my skills on this particular matter even further than learning it theoretically. I started out feeling frustrated being stuck on this problem but I wasn’t going to give up so I tried the problem solving techniques mentioned and that alleviated some of the stress as I was finally able to solve the problem. But I wanted to extend this learning and put more practice into arrow functions so I tried on a couple of functions form previous Kata’s and it honestly made me feel like I was really starting to understand the whole essence of it. My biggest takeaway from this is once you’ve learned the solution to your problem, take it further by applying the solution to similar problems to become familiar with it and make it almost second nature to you.
function sum (a, b) {
return a + b
}// Simple Function
let sum = (a, b) => {
return a + b
}// Anonymous Arrow
let sum =(a, b)=> a + b
// Anonymous Inline Arrow Function
// This is Pseudocode
// Short, descriptive instructions
// In plain English
// To guide and remind